Introduction to Neo4j 4.0

Learn about Graph Databases, Neo4j and Cypher – the Graph Query Language.

IntroductionToNeo4j 4.0 withTitle

About the Course

This online course is a collection of lessons and and hands-on exercises which help you build a good starting knowledge of the Neo4j 4.x DBMS. It teaches the core functionality for accessing a Neo4j database. You will learn the foundational knowledge required to start building applications with Neo4j, including how to read and write data from and to the database using the Cypher language.


You need not have extensive programming experience to take this course.


If you perform all of the hands-on exercises in this course, it will take you two days to complete the course.

What you will learn

  • What is a Graph Database

  • The Neo4j Graph Platform

  • Cypher Queries

  • Creating Nodes and Relationships in the Graph

  • Indexes and Query Best Practices

  • Importing Data

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